Cylinder compression test
The on-screen icons used during this procedure are explained in a table at
the end of this section.
Engine performance is directly correlated to the pressure that can be
measured in the combustion chambers of the two
cylinders. Pressure which is too high/low or an excessive difference be ...
Engine speed-timing sensor
The engine control system of the diavel is equipped with an inductive sensor
that allows the ecu to determine the speed
and timing phase of the engine. The sensor faces a phonic wheel with 48 teeth
minus 2.
The engine speed-timing sensor is an inductive sensor and faces a 48 ...
Removing the electrical components support
Remove the following elements located inside the electrical components
The battery fixing bracket (4) and the battery (14) as specified under
section 6 - 2, battery;
The voltage regulator (3) as specified under section 6 -
The solenoid starter (18) ...