This function indicates coolant indication state.
The temperature unit of measure can be selected (C or f).
The reading is indicated as follows: if the reading is between - 39C and +39C "lo" is shown flashing on the dashboard (steady); if the reading is between +40C and +120C it appears on the dashboard (steady); if reading is +121 C or higher, "hi" is shown flashing on the information panel.
In the event of a sensor "error", flashing dashes ("- - -") are shown and the "engine/vehicle diagnosis - eobd" indicator turns on.
Display background colour (automatic adjustment)
Dashboard background colour is set automatically according to exterior lighting conditions.
When sensor detects "poor lighting" (night), it switches to black background mode; vice versa when a "significant" lighting is detected (day), it switches to white background mode. It is nevertheless possible to customise this function through the "setting" menu function "back light - dashboard 1", on page 62, and possibly set one of the two modes available, night or day, as permanent setting (or go back to auto mode).
Overhaul of the cylinder barrel/piston components
Overhauling the cylinder
Check that the walls of the cylinder bore are perfectly smooth. Measure the
cylinder bore diameter at 50 mm from the top
face and determine the size class to which it belongs in accordance with the
values specified in sect. 3 -
1.1Cylinder/piston. Repeat measurement o ...
Removal of the shock absorber support
Remove the rear brake master cylinder (sect. 7 - 4, Removing of the rear
brake control).
Remove the rear shock absorber (see removal of the rear shock absorber of this
Loosen the screws (2) and (7) and their nuts (35).
Remove the side stand (sect. 7 - 16, Removing of the ...
Refitting the steering head components
The steering tube bearings (6) are identical but in no case may their
components be swapped around during reassembly.
Clean all contact surfaces and lubricate with the recommended grease.
To fit the external rings (c) of the bearings (6) to the steering tube, use the
tool with par ...