Pin code change function
This function changes your four number pin code.
To access the function it is necessary to view the "setting"menu, using buttons
(1) "s" or (2) "t" to select the "pin code"
function and press the reset button (3) to enter the following page.
If "insert new pin code" and the dashes "- - ...
Removal of the clutch-side crankcase cover
Unscrew the screws (2), (3) and (5) securing the clutch-side crankcase cover
Tap around the edge of the cover with a plastic mallet to detach it from the
crankcase half.
Remove the clutch cover (1) paying attention to the centring bushing (12).
Check the condition of the cent ...
Check the idle and the co amount with warm engine
Start the engine;
Switch on the dds and check that it does not signal any error (otherwise
consult the relevant paragraph of this manual
to reset the error and proceed with the idle check);
Enter the "self diagnosis" menu by selecting the diavel model in the
available vehicle version. ...