The activation of this (amber yellow) "warning" indicates that the status of the battery vehicle is low.
It is activated when the battery voltage is . 11.0 Volt.
In this case, ducati recommends charging the battery as soon as possible with the specific device, as it is possible that the vehicle will not start.
Removal of the evaporative emissions canister
Loosen the screws (9) securing the plate (8) to the tank.
Slightly pull the plate (8) with the canister (13), remove the clamps (3) and
(12) and connect hoses (7) and (14).
Release the retainers (b) of the plate (8) to remove it from the canister
Disconnect the hose ...
Injection and ignition
Ignition is via a single stick coil per cylinder installed in the spark plug
well. Each thermal unit is supplied by a single
injector, placed under the throttle valve. The amount of fuel injected and the
ignition advances are determined by the
control unit specifically for each c ...
Reassembly of the front half-fairings
Fit the clips (2) on the front rh half-fairing (1).
Join the rh support (4) and the front rh half-fairing (1) and keep them in
position by starting the screws (5).
To mount the rh support (4) in a proper way, it is necessary to insert the
tab (g) of the front rh half-fairing (1) in t ...