Examine the inner part of alternator rotor (24) for signs of damage. Check that the starter clutch is working properly and that the needle races do not show signs of wear or damage of any kind. If there is any malfunction, remove the whole assembly.
Disassembling the generator flywheel
Unscrew the 8 screws (26) and remove the rotor (24) from the flywheel.
Insert two of the screws (26) just removed from the flywheel rotor-side in their holes in order to remove the flange (14) and the starter clutch (22) from the flywheel (17). The starter clutch is a slight interference fit on the flange. To remove it, use a suitable drift.
Reassembling the flywheel - generator assembly
Install the starter clutch (22) in the flange (14) to bring the edge (a) of the clutch up against the flange.
Assemble the components (starter clutch and flange) so that the edge (a) of the starter clutch is positioned on side of the flange with the bevelled edge (b).
Seat the flange (14) with the starter clutch (22) in the flywheel (17), aligning the flange locating hole (c) with the flywheel locating hole (d).
The flange locating hole (c) is the hole with the countersunk lead-in (e).
The locating hole (d) of the flywheel can be either one of the two holes (f).
Use suitable tools to align the locating holes.
Assemble the components (flange and flywheel) so that edge (a) of the starter clutch (22) is enclosed between the flange and flywheel.
Install the rotor (24) on the flywheel (17), aligning one of the flywheel locating holes (d) with the rotor locating hole (g).
The rotor locating hole (g) is the hole positioned on the same diameter as the fixing holes (h).
Use suitable tools to align the locating holes.
Apply threadlocker to the rotor-flywheel fixing screws (26) and start them in their threads.
Tighten the screws (26) to a torque of 13 nm (min. 11 Nm - max. 15 Nm) (sect. 3 - 3, Engine torque settings) following the sequence above.
Lubricate the surface (l) of the driven gear (21) with engine oil.
Install the driven gear on the starter clutch, ensuring it is properly seated.
To facilitate installation, rotate the driven gear in the direction of the green arrow.
Hold the flywheel (17) with one hand and check that the driven gear can rotate freely in the direction of the green arrow but not in the direction of the red arrow.
If either of these two conditions is not met, this means that the starter clutch has not been installed correctly.
Removal of the intake manifold and coolant union
Loosen the clips (f) and remove the hoses (t).
Remove the manifolds (25) undoing the screws (21).
Loosen the clamp (a) and remove the hose (b). Remove the union (12) and
recover the seal (24).
Checking drive chain tension
Have chain tension adjusted by a ducati dealer or
authorised service centre.
Make the rear wheel turn until you find the position where
chain is tightest.
Set the vehicle on the side stand. Push down the chain at the
point of measurement and release.
Measure the distance betwee ...
Tester power supply
The dds (1) part number 97900.0215 Can be powered from the vehicle as
From the mains power supply: by connecting the power supply connector
(n) to the network power supply (2) part no.
From the motorcycle: connecting the corresponding cables (see paragraph