The brake master cylinder is supplied only as a complete unit; internal components cannot be replaced.
To disassemble the master cylinder's outer parts, follow the indications given in the exploded view at the beginning of this section.
If the bush (10) inside the brake pedal (6) needs to be replaced, grease the external surface and fit the new bush using a press to insert it. The bush must be placed at 2 mm from the pedal external face.
To disassemble the various parts of the system, refer to the exploded view at the beginning of this chapter.
After performing an operation on the rear brake control, check the brake pedal position following the instructions detailed in sect. 4 - 3, Adjusting the position of the gear change and rear brake pedals.
Programming/reprogramming keys
The dds diagnosis instrument is required in order to programme/reprogramme
the keys. The key programming procedure
is launched from this instrument.
To start the key programming/reprogramming procedure it is necessary to have at
least one of the keys that start the
vehicle available (i.E. I ...
Timing system
Central external cover
Air filter
Horizontal cylinder timing belt cover
Filter support
Tensioner pulley assembly
Camshaft pulley
Tensioner pin
Idler pulley assembly
Timing belt
Camshaft pulley
Driveshaft pulley ...
Side stand button
The side stand button is located on the side stand. Together with the signal
from the clutch button and the neutral signal
generated by the gear sensor (transmitted to the engine control unit over the
can line), the side stand position signal is
used to enable or disable engine s ...